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We are proud to offer a variety of services to help you on your health journey.


Would you like a seminar at your church or event? Dave & Sherry will come and do a variety of seminars in the Florida area.

Arrangements could be made for out of state - a special arrangement can be customized for 100 people.

Call Sherry for details: 813-545-1242



Dave & Sherry Orcutt will show you how to prepare healthy foods​ that actually taste good.


A customized Culinary Class can be set up (Tampa Bay Area) to teach you the art of incorporating more LIVING foods into your regular diet.

Call to set up your class now!


Private Counselling is available by Appointment Only

No charge for the first one-half hour

* A special detoxification program can be designed for you

* A special supplementation program can be recommended for you

*  A program to rebuild your immune system that God has given you

Call us today and make your appointment

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